The building plans below for the different meetinghouses in the Stake may serve as resources for planning ward and stake activities and classes. The plans include room seating capacities as well as identifying room numbers.
Stake Center
Stake Center
(building # 5576458)
13768 S 6400 W
Herriman, UT 84096
Stake Center Building Plans (557-6458-A1-047 & A-300).pdf
McCuiston Building
McCuiston Building
(building # 5885430)
6986 W McCuiston Ave
Herriman, UT 84096
McCuiston Building Plans (588-5430-A1-048 & Heritage 98).pdf
Valynn Building
Valynn Building
(building # 5921688)
6719 W Valynn Dr
Herriman, UT 84096
Valynn Building Plans (592-1688-A1-058 & Heritage 98).pdf